Quick Fix for Elementor’s Header & Footer Builder Plugin Not Loading. Solved!

Elementor Header& Footer

Elementor header and footer builder plugin is a powerful tool that allows you to create highly customizable and visually appealing headers and footers for your WordPress website. 

It’s very easy to use, with the  drag-and-drop interface you can add various content blocks like menus, logos, social media icons, search bars, and more. Furthermore, it give more control when it comes to customize the colors for the drop down menu & mobile menu.

Common Causes of Elementor Header & Footer Not Loading Issues

There are several reasons why Elementor’s header and footer builder might not be loading correctly. These include:

  • Plugin Conflicts: Other plugins installed on your WordPress site might have conflict with Elementor’s functionality.
  • Theme Conflicts: Your theme might not be fully compatible with Elementor or its header and footer builder.
  • Wrong Settings: There could be a misconfiguration in Elementor’s settings or your WordPress site.
  • Browser Issues: Sometimes, some browser-specific problems can prevent Elementor from loading correctly.

Simple Fix before going through the pain of troubleshooting

Before you go through the pain of troubleshooting, there’s a quick and easy fix that you might want to try first. In fact, it can sometimes resolve header and footer loading issues in Elementor. As a matter of fact, just simply go to the WordPress settings page, look for Permalinks and click “Save Changes”.

This seemingly simple action can trigger a refresh of various WordPress processes, which might resolve any temporary glitches or conflicts that are preventing Elementor from functioning correctly.


If you’re encountering problems with Elementor’s header and footer builder not loading, don’t panic. By trying the quick fix of visiting the Permalinks settings, you should be able to resolve the issue and get your website’s headers and footers back in working order.

Searchable Keywords:

Elementor header and footer builder, Elementor header and footer not loading, Elementor header and footer issue, Elementor troubleshooting, WordPress header and footer, Elementor plugin, WordPress plugin conflict, WordPress theme conflict, Elementor settings, Browser compatibility, Permalinks settings, Quick Fix.

Quote of the day :
“If you think math is hard, try web design.”
– Trish Parr, Author.
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