About Us
Our Vision
How Cool We Are?
Chiefly carrying the motto B'COZ WE CAN, we want to help as many entrepreneurs as we can to take their first step into the Digital World with our Cool Website Design skillz.
Our goal is to help as many entrepreneur as we can to take their first step into the DIGITAL WORLD. With a website, they can be GOOGLE'D and FOUND online.
We are a collective team of web designers, web developers and digital marketeers who has been in this industry altogether for more than 15 years. In time, we have dished out plenty of Cool Website Design to help our client grow online.
Basically the core idea behind UNIT is to assemble a team that consists of talented individuals to cater to your personalize needs because there is no one solution that could rule them all. In UNITY we Stand, In HARMONY we Strive.
Hence, we will utilize our keen understanding of design functionality and human behaviour to find what our customers needs and how to give the best solution to them … Technically, Visually & Digitally.
Nonetheless if you are a struggling entrepreneur and have a very, very limited budget, no worries we can help. Not only we can give you a FREE Parallax Website but also get you on GOOGLE MY BUSINESS. We can do this is because we have the infrastructure and experience, together with a strong collective team that is supporting us all the way.
You may be thinking why we are doing this? Straightaway our answer is simple, it’s our passion that drives us. Our main objective is to GROW TOGETHER with you all and carry on the DIGITAL JOURNEY as far as we can. We want to build a community whereby we all support each other to survive during these difficult times.
Therefore don’t just wait there for the $ to drop down, take action and give us a call now @ 016-350 6662 (Boon).
Our People
Leadership Team

Digital Strategist

IT / Server Team Leader

Client Servicing Team Leader
Website Design Malaysia – simple and organized with lots of creative design.